A common project since 1968
The Fantoni Foundation was established by Dr. Giuseppe Fantoni on 14 November 1968. The main aims of the foundation are the preservation, study and promotion of the bequeathed artistic and historical heritage that was for the most part the result of the centuries-old activity of the Fantoni sculpture workshop in Rovetta. In addition to this specific cultural and educational commitment, the Fantoni Foundation serves as a center for historical, artistic and ethnographic research within the area, while also promoting the promulgation and re-evaluation of local culture. These activities are financed both through income from goods donated by the founder and through legacies, donations and contributions from public and private bodies.
The foundation, in accordance with its statute, is governed by a Board of Directors composed of seven members who elect a president pro tempore. These offices determine the activity of the foundation in collaboration with the other institutional figures: director, curator, and the advisors responsible for the educational and safety sectors.
The cultural and educational mission of the Fantoni Foundation regards: the preservation and increase of the artistic heritage. The regular interventions of conservative restoration of the collections’ artworks.
The foundation offers to the public: The house-museum, permanent and temporary exhibitions
The educational aspect includes: events and activities aimed at all levels of students in order to promote the knowledge of the Fantoni and their house-museum, and sculpture workshops to be carried out at the museum or in the classrooms.
Scientific research applied to the Fantoni artworks and documents in the museum and in the area.
Study and consultation assistance for researchers and enthusiasts.
Pro tempore President
Giuseppe Pedrocchi Fantoni
Giampiero Benzoni
Sandro Buzzetti
Piero Cattaneo
Paolo Fiorani
Emanuela Daffra
Emiliano Tironi
Curator and Director
Lidia Rigon
Educational Activities
Piero Cattaneo
Giampiero Benzoni
Administrative Secretary
Fabiana Pedrocchi
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