Cultural events about the history of the Fantoni family, and practical sculpture workshops
The workshopA unique artistic heritage of drawings, models, handiworks and paintings
The collectionsA common project since 1968
The Fantoni FoundationFour centuries of carvers, sculptors and architects
The Fantoni MastersThe environment in which the life and work of the various generations of Fantoni sculptors took place
The Fantoni House-MuseumThe main purpose of the Fantoni Foundation is the preservation, study and promotion of the art heritage of the Fantoni of Rovetta.
The foundationThe ancient house-workshop of the Fantoni sculptors is located in the historic center of Rovetta, in the upper Seriana Valley. It has preserved a rich patrimony of works, artifacts and documents derived from the activity of the various generations of artists in the family.
The Fantoni Foundation organizes educational events and workshops for children and young people in elementary, middle and high school. After a visit to the museum, children will enjoy creating their own small sculptures.
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• Scrivi nel riquadro il codice fiscale della FONDAZIONE FANTONI 81000410167
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Request a Guided Tour of the Fantoni House-Museum.